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The leading trade paper in Sweden VA-tidskriften Cirkulation has a series about water towers under the headline Ebers vattentorn (Eber's Water Towers). Here are the same pictures and texts (translated) of interesting water towers in the world except Scania and Sweden, as in the journal. |
Austria | Belgium | Denmark | The Czech Republic | Estonia | Finland | France | Germany | Great Britain | Hungary | Italy |
Latvia | Lithuania | Luxembourg | The Netherlands | Norway | Poland | Portugal | Spain | Switzerland | USA |
Eber's Water Towers: Luxembourg |
by Eber Ohlsson |
Cirkulation 5/2020 A free translation to English: Berdorf in Luxembourg, Bäerderf in Lëtzebuerg in the country's language, is a small town that got its first water tower in 1901, a tower that was destroyed in the Battle of the Bulge in 1944. When the church tower was destroyed in a fire in 1941, they were both replaced with a new combined church and water tower in 1951. In 2015, a new 56 meter high water tower, Aquatower, was ready, with a reservoir of 500 m³, where there are also exhibition and viewing rooms, all at a cost of 6.5 MEUR. You can visit the tower for a fee and get information about water and geology as well as a panoramic view. Outside the tower are water play equipment.
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