Skånska vattentornssällskapet - Urbanmorfologi
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Vattenblandat Originalpublicering VA-tidskriften Cirkulaton FLS-aktuellt Vattenstänk Asfaltblänk och Vattenstänk

The submarines is back in the old Kockum area in Malmö
A free translation English. Published in Swedish in VA-tidskriften Cirkulation 1/2005

Eber Ohlsson

The Kockum area in Malmö has got a pumping station that shall connect to submarines of the shipyard.

A submarine tower just above the surface of water that was the vision that the designer Richard Engleson had to the superstructure when he got the task to design a new sewerage pumping station in the old Kockum area in Malmö.

In the water and sewerage works was there intentions to break the pattern of to build boring pumping stations, when the city with few resources and a little brainwork in stead could get architectural values.

The commission to more concrete form the building was given to architect Thomas Hellquist, as with joist, plywood and marked folded tin of aluminium-zinc have shaped an illusion of a submarine tower, there the pipes for air gives an impression of periscope.
There have before been architectural ambitions in Malmö. For some years ago draw architect Thorvald Pedersen a pumping station near the historic post office drawn by Ferdinad Boberg, there Pedersen associated to the chapel in Ravenna of the Roman emperor and the Ostrogoths king, Theoderic.

There shall be build one additional sewerage pumping station in the old Kockum area, now nearer the shore and there have Richard an idea that it shall get the shape of a cork float. Let us see if his idea will be a sinker.

Water mixed
Latest update 091024