Skånska vattentornssällskapet - Urbanmorfologi
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Vattenblandat Originalpublicering VA-tidskriften Cirkulaton FLS-aktuellt Vattenstänk Asfaltblänk och Vattenstänk

A free translation to English:
Everything is not what it seems to be
Published in the VA-tidskriften Cirkulation 5/2007

Eber Ohlsson

A tower in water - but not a water tower.
The modern concrete techniques has done so that many water towers has get the form of a mush­room, a good water technical form, and done this form synonymous with water towers. In the south Alacant in Spain is a tower standing in water, with­out to be a water tower. The brightly under side is direct illuminated by the sun light. See there an illusion of water tower.
The city has nowadays the name Alacant, which is Catalonian. Alicante is the earlier Spanish, and to many more well-known name.

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