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Water Towers: Malta
Vattentorn: Malta


Floriana, Vincenzo Bugeja (Wignacourt Water Tower)
N 35.8922 - E 14.5035
Sign at the water tower

Wignacourt Water Tower is an interesting stone structure with a three metre high circular pedestal and rounded tower above supported by pilasters. The structure is topped by a floral stone sculpture. From the unusual shape one can immediately surmise that the structure has had nothing to do with defence, habtation or religious worship. In fact, it is a water tower forming part of an aqueduct system which brought water by gravity from grounds around Mdina an d Rabat to Floriana and Valetta. The fountain commemorates the inauguration of the aqueduct in 1615. It is complete with Wignacourt's coat of arms and a drinking trough for horses.

Water Towers
Orientering Upp
Senast uppdaterad 180104